23 de noviembre de 2016

Some new pictures!

It has been a long time since we wrote our last post, so we decided to add a little amount of new pictures.

Our family always listen to the guests demands thus they always want everyone to feel comfortable during their stay, so each year they buy new things, redecorate rooms or reform or build a new part of the house. 

During this two years they have improve several things, as for example they built a new big porch which is perfect for enjoying meals, relax while reading,..

The big porch.

...or observe the visitors of the neirbourhood.

Anyway, many guests like to have breakfast at the little porch behind the house in fornt of the garden, where the beautiful and fragant roses continue blooming every year.

The little porch.

However, there is also a beautiful area in front of the swimming pool that guests can use.

But if you ask kids, they favourite place is the little cottage. Near to the parking, there are many toys and games that they enjoy.

And, of course, watering the plants is always an option for entertaining them.

See you soon!!

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